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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

emailed received from whcc church staff about hurricane rita

At this time as we facing a pending major hurricane, we thank God that He is our peace in the midst of any storm. For the safety of our members, all scheduled WHCC church meetings and services from Friday through Sunday are canceled until further notice. The church office will also be closed on Friday. We urge our members to follow all governmental safety guidelines and stay safe, actively praying for God’s work in the midst of this hurricane. Let us pray for the safety of all the people in our city. Our church office will reopen at the earliest possible time next week and we pray that all ministry activities will promptly return to normal. May the storm humble our hearts and turn our city to Him. Lord willing, if the hurricane damage is minor and government agencies have indicated that it is safe to drive, we will communicate through our webpage and through phone calls if an impromptu joint service at 11 AM. will be held on Sunday morning. He is in control!