thanks phil for calling me up on sunday to come play softball due to an insufficent # of girl playas. i guess it's sweet that i was the 2nd person you called. i promise to continue working out so that one day i will be the 1st person you call :). what a dream.
i actually woke up today SORE from playing softball :x. pretty pathetic considering the only things i did was (kinda) hit the ball 2 times, run to 3rd base (record for me!), walk to the outfield, and strike out (by MARK) :(.
if by strike out you mean "mark tried to be nice and throw a perfect pitch to you, but instead of trusting mark, you decided to trust your teammates and not swing."
if by strike out you mean "mark tried to be nice and throw a perfect pitch to you, but instead of trusting mark, you decided to trust your teammates and not swing."
haha confidence cubby!
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