won't you be my neighbor?
The family's english is relatively good and we learned about their persecution in India for being Burmese and not Indian. The Indian children would even throw rocks at their kids while they were playing outside. The father, Sam also showed us his Burmese Bible and read a few passages to us. His favorite book of the Bible is Daniel.
I'm looking forward to spending more time with this sweet family. Even as they transition to a new country, they seem to remain happy and cohesive as a family despite worries like job, health, money, etc. We're currently working to set-up their utilities, figuring out what to do about their overpriced rent, finding Sam a job, and taking them to their health assessments. Please keep the Nawl family in your prayers.
- HEB gift card donations for family's food and diapers (food stamps have not started yet)
- job referrals for Sam (he speaks english, has a background in computers, and taught Western style music while he was in India - guitar and voice)
- Cash donations for family's basic needs
- If you're in the Austin-area: drive family to various appointments, tutor English
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