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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

frontline: obama's war

i just finished watching this frontline episode about the war in afghanistan...it's about 1 hour long but definitely worth your time to watch. this war has been going on for 8 years, the longest war in american history and i definitely understand why it's such a long war after watching the video. it's soooo complicated with so many factors to think about. from the ground, the troops are trying to build relationships and trust with the afghan people while also fighting the taliban. politically, the country it filled with corruption and only 30% of the country is controlled by the government. with the failed election recently, it only complicates the war even more. furthermore, pakistan supposedly is an alli of america however pakistan is an alli with the taliban who america is fighting against. america wants to continue their alliance with pakistan so they fund pakistan with billions of dollars for military and civil use. it's odd that we're spending all this money to "support" pakistan while fighting against pakistan's alli, the taliban.

this seems like an overly complicated situation and i wont even pretend to understand everything that's going on with it. i DO think it's important for us to be somewhat aware of what's going on in afghanistan no matter how confusing all the names and places might be.


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