learn how to spell with me
Monday, January 23, 2006
Thursday, January 19, 2006
classes so far
trash t.v. can actually be beneficial! that statement totally goes against my theory behind one of my new year resolutions but it's ok! how do i know this? today in MAN 374 (general management studies), we had to discuss why madonna has a successful business strategy. i was able to participate in the discussion, helping my class participation score that counts a whooping 25% of our total grade, only because i watched a wholeeeee show about madonna and all her styles, boyfriends/husbands/affairs/guys, music, dance routines, etc. on the E! Hollywood channel! Thank God for trash tv :x.
in my MAN 337.9 (leadership issues) class, i noticed that everyone sits with their own little communities according to their background. there's a BHP community, we have TONS of international students so there's a community for each given country (Hong Kong, China, Belgium, Czech, England, Germany), a slack-off community (they sit in the back), fraternity community, and so on. i, sit in the misfit community :D.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Saturday, January 14, 2006
this article about a pill that could erase bad memories reminds me of the movie eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.
Friday, January 13, 2006
memoirs of a geisha by arthur golden

i read this book because it's cynthia's favorite book (one thing i would like to do in life is to read all my friends' fav books) and hollywood made a movie based on this book. i still need to watch the movie! anyways, i learned a lot about japanese culture and a geisha's life. the author wrote, in detail, every aspect of a geisha's life that is supposedly highly secretive. i even heard that the geisha golden interviewed was threatened to be killed due to her testimony about her life as a geisha. i think i had a lot of expectations for this book which i cant say were all totally met but i did enjoy reading this book. i imagined and saw beauty when i read Golden's book - a skill/talent few authors have.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
2006's new year resolutions
1. have better posture. i've noticed how big of a strain slouching puts not only on my back (especially when i sit down) but also on my lungs. i think my slumped shoulders somehow squishes my lungs so it's harder to breathe. this, cannot be good. SO i'm gonna try to battle this bad habit by exercising, working out my back muscles, and constantly reminding myself, using my mother's tone-of-voice, to STAND UP STRAIGHT!
2. stop watching trash t.v. i was trying to write it in a more positive-manner but couldnt figure out a straight-forward way to do it. anyways, i've noticed that much of this past semester was spent watching trash tv. ex: "101 hollywood breakups". *shakes head*
3. figure out what i like to do. i've noticed that everytime someone asks me to tell them about myself or express what i like to do, i never give a complete answer. i guess i'm trying to find a hobby. some things i want to try: tennis, photography, painting, books about history, music, some type of craft
4. memorize 1 bible verse per month. i've tried to memorize bible verses SO many times but my memory tends to be dysfunctional at times. so this year i'm gonna give myself a more realistic goal. hopefully i can recite a grand total of 12 bible verses at the end of 2006. i also figure that focusing on 1 bible verse a month could be good and interesting.
5. write one in-depth, hand-written encouraging letter each month to someone who has encouraged me or needs encouragement.
Saturday, January 07, 2006

too many stories and memories from our europe trip. we went to amsterdam, nice (france), and florence (italy). im way too lazy to write about everything about our trip now but i did gather some strength to post pictures and add a few captions that hopefully capture what we were up to during those 12 days in europe. check out my flickr <-- (link on left hand side of blog). sorry, the pictures are soooo not in chronological order. it was my first time traveling to europe and definitely not my last :).
- visiting the cheli's bed & breakfast in the country side of tuscana, italy (MOLLY!)
- italian food: pasta, espresso, and gelato
- france's hot cocoa
- being part of tiff's craziness
- losing laura at the pisa train station :(
- falling in love with italy. (study abroad maybe?)
- you're always surrounded by some type of scenery/art
- laughing, inside jokes, good convos about life, bonding, life-lessons, drama
- coming back changed, a little more grown up, and knowing the girls better
the monterey park
my 9 year old cousin, allen, got a nano for getting good grades on his report card. he has exactly 16 songs uploaded on his nano and i dont think he plans on putting anymore on...
is it wrong of me to plot stealing his nano from him? :x