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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

hoping 24 is just as exciting as the tv show

God is a very thoughtful being because He knows how reflective I can get therefore He made my birthday in July, half-way through the year so I can reflect about everything on a grand scale at least 2 times a year - new years and birthday. If I was born in an odd month like february or november, I would be completely overwhelmed having to reflect for a year's worth of time during the new year (when most people do their grand-scale reflections).

Highlights so far from 2009:
- triathlon and trying to live a lifestyle that doesnt involve eating and watching tv :x
- san fran for tiff's bday
- 1st time getting pulled over and receiving speeding ticket :(
- beginning to find community thru austin stone. we studied in-depth some popular Bible stories and we're going thru James now.
- volunteered with utpac (a post to come soon about this), financial coaching, and jenny's school
- learning about golf, something i never thought i would ever care or know anything about 4 years ago!
- seattle for spring break to visit christine
- north fork, ny to celebrate 4 year anniversary
- LA family reunion
- July 4th lakehouse, good times and good memories

Celebrate, good times, celebrate! (how i celebrated the big 2-4):
- slept over at laura's only to find a sweet surprise (click to see pictures)
- breakfast with parents
- surprise lunch with friends!

Reflection summary (and trust me, it could be longer :x):
i really hate saying this but time flies by...a little too fast for my liking. i cant believe so much has happened already in the past 6 months! overall, my life is very good - it's almost impossible to think of even 1 complaint. work has significantally improved since i moved to a new dept where i have a super nice boss, helpful coworkers, and a challenging role. austin is still treating me well with great community and fun things to keep me occupied. as shown by the "highlight" list, i've even been able to travel and catch up with old friends often.

one thing i realized through all these good times is to have a good balance. enjoy life when it's good but make sure you share this with others. i dont want to enjoy life to the point where i completely lose sight of other people's needs. i also tend to feel guilty everytime life is going well but i'm beginning to learn that God delights in our happiness but desires to share in this happiness with us. i want to show thanksgiving and appreciation to him.

for the rest of 2009, i hope my theme will be of one similar to the vine and the branches passage in john. i've been thinking a lot about "seeing God work in my life" and this past sunday's message (which was the day of my birthday, how ironic) provided good insight for me about this. theresa shared about how she was fervently preparing for the message and studying Abraham's story of when he showed hospitality to strangers. shortly after she finished preparing her message at starbucks, she was approached by a woman who needed food to feed her 4 children. she bluntly told the woman, did you know that i was JUST studying the Bible about showing hospitality to strangers?? with God's word fresh on her mind and heart, theresa took her to sam's club to buy what she needed and was able to learn more about this woman and her needs after galveston's hurricane. i wonder if she would have done the same thing if she hadnt been studying God's word that day at starbucks...

so the same applies to me. what would my life look like if i remained in Jesus? what would my life look like if i remained in his word?

cheers to another year! thanks to everyone who wished me a happy bday & celebrated with me :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

nick & sarah get hitched!

ah, didnt take a picture with the bride & groom!

May you grow in wisdom and spirit, and in favor with God and men.

happy 24th birthday, mark! every year, we try to remember what we did to celebrate your previous year's birthday. funny how it's so difficult to remember just a few years back already! thankfully, blogs are our memory savers :p.

for mark's 24th bday this year, i failed miserably in every single gift i got him, haha. festivities included a pre-lobster fest dinner with a semi-successful molten chocolate cake and a failed surprise birthday dinner at buca the day before nick got married. this year's birthday adjective: fail.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

we celebrate america's bday by going to the lake

I had such a great time at the lakehouse this past weekend that I'm STILL going through lakehouse withdrawal!

Thursday, July 02, 2009

next book to read: escaping north korea

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