learn how to spell with me
Sunday, April 30, 2006
IM track & field
i worked the IM track & field tournament this past wednesday night. thank God for the nice weather otherwise it would have sucked working outside from 5-11pm! i helped measure the long jump distance and timed the running events. once again, i was thrown into another world that i knew little about but came out appreciating the sport a lot more :). i learned that there are special spikey shoes for track stars, what a 4 by 4 is, how long (in meters!) the track actually is, how freaking difficult all the track & field events are, and to look for the smoke and not the sound when timing.
congrats to penthouse on the awesome job! it seemed like ya'll had fun :) i'm proud of you guys not for the record-breaking scores but for trying something new, different, and fun!
shout out also goes to the HOT girl who provided me more things to look at. and i guess another shout out should go to mark for taking pictures (aka stalking) of strangers for me...
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
fall 2006
i registered for classes this past week and here's what's going on for johanna's fall 2006...
1. Entrepreneurial Management: TTH 9:30- - 11:00
2. Art And Science Of Negotiation: MW 12:30- - 2:00P (#1 & #2 finish up my management major)
3. Consumer Behavior: MW 2:00- - 3:30P
4. Community Development & Social Enterprise: W 3:30- - 6:30P (#3 & #4 finish up my marketing minor)
5. History (definition of american culture in historical perspective): TTH 11:00AM-12:30PM
6. HOPEFULLY ballroom!!!
AND i bought season tickets for next year!! woohoo! go horns :)
AND i'm graduating 1 semester early. pray for me! i'm pretty set on doing this and my parents have been uber supportive and encouraging. i only have 3 classes left and i dont really know what other classes i want to take. my parents even suggested i could take extra classes during the spring and they would be cool with that :).
AND i'm trying to find a job in austin during the spring. pray for me! my friends and sublease will be in austin so i'm going to try VERY HARD to find a job in austin. my dad says it's a full-time job trying to find a job so he's even cool with me taking it easy during the spring :). i'm pretty freaked about spring semester though b/c "i dont know what's going on." and i hear it'll be a tough transition period since everyone around me's still in college.
AND i'm very thankful for my family :)
stim tatlo (three)
(this picture is actually from stim 2 weekend but i never got a chance to post it.)
this past weekend i went to stim 3, the last weekend before our summer project! eek! i went in pretty bummed about going :( because i would be spending my 2nd to LAST weekend of my junior year at stim. but im glad to report that it was a really good weekend of fellowship and learning. my fav part was being commissioned, hearing everyone share, and hanging out with friends. i left pretty sad about leaving everyone and not being able to see them until after our summer trips. i never thought i would MISS stim stuff!
an update about my fundraising support: $3477 / 4100! praise the Lord :).
prayer requests:
- continuing raising support and following up with peeps (am i starting to talk like michele!?)
- more support from AACM. i havent really felt the fellowship supporting us that much and it's been pretty hard for me to know this.
- summer trek itself
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
happy bday simeon!
once again, this picture has NOTHING to do with simeon's bday :) but it's still my fav picture from that night. sat night we went to threadgills for dinner then improv show afterwards (i did not go do this). sunday went to dave & busters for some good eats and game time. thanks sam, you are way too nice and a really great brother. o yeah, can i mention that I WON 444 TICKETS at the trivia game at d&b?!? life record!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
turtlewax invaders
thanks phil for calling me up on sunday to come play softball due to an insufficent # of girl playas. i guess it's sweet that i was the 2nd person you called. i promise to continue working out so that one day i will be the 1st person you call :). what a dream.
i actually woke up today SORE from playing softball :x. pretty pathetic considering the only things i did was (kinda) hit the ball 2 times, run to 3rd base (record for me!), walk to the outfield, and strike out (by MARK) :(.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
easter party
i went to an easter party for international students hosted by evfree's international student ministry. it was at amanda's house and i cant even begin to tell you what a perfect host and party-thrower she is! i felt like i was at one of martha stewart's gatherings or something! amanda also has the BLINGest engagement/wedding ring i have ever seen in my entire life!!
at the party, there were 4 stations: egg decorating, easter trivia, learning about how other countries celebrate eater, and reading the actual easter story in the book of luke. so it wasnt only a fun party but also a great way to begin conversations about Jesus :). it was also cool hanging out with a bunch of international students who were also able to make new friends. please be praying for my PAL, yingying :).
interfaith panel
longhorns speak is a new organization on campus that hopes to spark discussion and create open communication about various topics that affect the community. so far, they've had panels about immigration, the role of student government, and the one i'm writing about now. the interfaith panel had religions whose God was from Abrahamic descent like Judaism, Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam. Mark represented AACM/Christianity for the panel and he did a really good job presenting the truth of Christianity in a clear and understandable manner. yes, i was proud of him :).
anyways, while i was sitting in the audience, i kept wondering what the purpose of this event was. maybe it wasnt to attract people to whatever religion but instead to clear up misperceptions about each religion. i was also confused about how someone's personal thoughts/views on religion changed the basic truth of their religion. i was pretty hesitant about believing some of the things the panelists were saying about their religion due to their lack of knowledge (?). it just made me understand how important it is to understand what i believe, i guess.
Friday, April 14, 2006
i went to jen's for lunch the other day and was greeted by an "omg." turns out we were wearing very similar outfits (green skirt with 2 pockets on the front and express shirts with little pockets). jen ran over to show hannah our outfits and she comments on how that always happens to her and phoebe, too. phoebe later walks in the door and guess what she's wearing?
isnt this kinda freaky??? this happens to jen and i a lot too! is it some sister vibe?!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
softie and sensitive sunsets
we've noticed that the guys on our team are much more sensitive than the girls on our team :). just ask phil what his "sensitivity as a strength" rating is! anyways, it's been really fun and neat meeting up with people about serving for next year. Psalm 139 always rings true for me after i get to a chance to really sit down and talk to someone in our fellowship. it reminds me of how much hope our fellowship and God's kingdom has.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
mack the brown
Last night, I finished writing my paper for my leadership issues class! one paper down! we had to interview a leader and write about his leadership style, who has influenced him, his followers' perspectives, his strengths as a leader, and how he can improve as a leader. guess who we got to interview!? (see picture :)). you can listen to the interview here if you're interested. i, unfortunately, didnt get to meet him because i had class and only 3 out of out 6 group members could go in order to remain "professional." booooo. BUT it's still really cool that he was willing to talk to a bunch of students like us :). in the interview, he talked about how his grandfather taught him to "never pass up anyone who wants to talk to you" and he definitely lived that out by talking to us. he also mentioned Tom Hicks, Darrell Royal, and Red McCombs. what a business man.
Monday, April 03, 2006
we had a meeting outside on the patio of the union under this big pretty tree that provided nice shade for us. phil kept on looking up into the tree to watch out for birds and guess what eventually happened on his nice green shirt... :x
everyone said whoever laughed at phil the most would get it next. i think that person was me :x
happy bday timmy!
^ north side of the table
^ timmy had like 3 bday cakes that night
^ *blushing*
^ do you see the uncomfortableness in their laughter?
^ softies :)
^ hardcore.
^ crawfish = yum.
^ they're supposed to be looking happy from all the money but sam just looks like he's about to punch annie
^ same bday's! he's a stranger.
^ honorary 107 member